Who I be...

My photo
Mushroom Kingdom, DE, United States
I'm the love child of irrelevant references and Nintendo. The combination of painfully awful punchlines and derogatory insults. When you combine Ford Escorts and bumpin' music. A NERD in disguise...well, not really in disguise. What happens when you really do play video games for too long. Because the bad movies hurt...and they deserve to be hurt back. This is Vince-anity...this is ShowTime! Welcome to the chronicling of a Nintendo Head.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Music Endurance: How long can you last Pt. 1

Possibly a new segment I'll be trying out...we'll see. I find awful song off Youtube, you suffer, cry, and laugh your way through it. I got to the part where they scream at the girl. Oh...and notice how he pours out his 40; clearly an allusion to how the music industry has DIED! 20 bucks says this is on MTV in a week...ready? GO!

1 comment:

  1. That video is an abomination of life n should be destroyed quarantined and pretended like it never happened.

